
Hardware design / Software development / Testing

A digital, radio-controlled and Internet-connected IoT padlock that meets the highest standards in safety


“Well-equipped for technical expertise and requirements, Grinn delivered hardware design, software development, and the application rapidly. As a dedicated partner, engineers learned the industry to encourage IoT product and workflow improvements. They deliver quality results on-time and helped us create a digital and Internet-connected padlock that meets the highest standards in safety.”
— Andreas Lolle Founder & Mech. Engineer, MSc. Lolle & Nielsen Inventions

More examples

From homes to hospitals, street lights to ski lopes, there's a growing range of IoT solutions powered by Grinn. Here are just some of them.

  • HI-P
    An electronic control module for use in domestic appliances. Grinn helped Hi-P address some key issues and developed a low-cost, high-performance IoT solution that is now mass-produced for use in a range of household products.
  • Optics11
    Interferometers are precision measurement tools used in specialist nanotechnology labs. Grinn designed and developed a new industry-leading IoT device around the client’s sensor tool, providing PCB, visualization software and device firmware.
  • Gateway Eco-System
    A compact IoT device to optimize the efficiency of pole or cabinet light mountings